How to Create a Resume that Stands out From the Crowd

By: Jamilah Lang 

In today’s job market, it has become increasingly important to customize your resume.


Many employers use software called Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes based on the requirements of the role. If you want to pass this initial electronic screen, your professional resume needs to be tailored for a specific position.

In addition, several recent studies have indicated that the person who reviews your resume — assuming you make it past the bots — will spend six seconds looking at your resume before deciding whether or not you are qualified for the opportunity. 

How do you create a resume that stands out?

By having a resume that is well designed, clean, clear and to the point. 

A resume is much more than a bio-data that you present to employers. It’s the first impression that you make on someone. It is a way to brand yourself. A good resume leaves a good impression in the mind of the interviewer even before you have presented yourself before him. 

Points to remember: 

Correct Format 

There are three popular formats for resumes: chronological, functional and combinational. Chronological resumes present your job history in precisely that way – chronologically. Functional focuses more on your skills and abilities than history of jobs. Combinational has elements of both.  

So, choose the one that helps you create a resume that stands out. If you have an impressive job history, then chronological style is best for you. However, if you have a spotty job history, then functional type is the better option. If you are not sure, opt for a combinational one.  

Avoid Clutter 

Resumes which are cluttered look very unimpressive. So, don’t stuff too much information for creating a resume that stands out. 

Edit and Re-edit 

You can’t afford any silly mistakes like faulty grammar when trying to create a resume that stands out. So, read your resume once its completed and get it edited by someone else also.  

Powerful Summary 

The summary in your resume or CV could be the most prominent part. Hence, pay utmost attention to your summary and craft it in the most impressive manner 


While making your resume, don’t skimp on giving attention to any part.

Jamilah Lang, Founder of Chic Work Chick

Jaimie Gurley